What is an NFT ?  All about NFT

What Does NFT Stands For

NFT Stands For Non Fungible Token

What is An NFT ?

Non-fungible tokens are used to signify ownership of unique items.

What is An NFT ?

Non-fungible tokens are not interchangeable with other of same type.

What is An NFT ?

Each Non-fungible token has a unique identifier.

When you Own A NFT ?

1. It cannot be altered in any way by anyone.

When you Own A NFT 

2. Ethereum allows you to hold it while keeping your asset safe in your wallet.

When you create a NFT

1. you can earn royalties every time a Non-fungible token is sold.

When you create a NFT

2. You can set how a good deal resale royalties are for whenever NFT is sold.

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